Can You Go Viral With These Writing Habits?

What makes for a successful article?

Harlow Journey
The Shortform
Published in
1 min readSep 29, 2021


Cartoon lady with torn jeans and a T-shirt that says, “You Can Do Anything.” Harlow Journey article about writing success.
Image by Natalia Lavrinenko from Pixabay

Why does some of our best work get overlooked while other pieces garner more success, views, and, let’s face it, money.

Recently, I was reading an article by the talented satirist Ken Taro. He was discussing the viral success of one of his brilliant pieces compared to others which have received more…



Harlow Journey
The Shortform

Writer. Topics that excite me range from psychology, humour, travel, computing, cats, writing, to everything else. I have finally managed to narrow it down.